A&D Bootcamp
San Antonio, TX | March 11-15, 2019
Join us at the University of Texas at San Antonio for our four day A&D Bootcamp! Complete two of your required foundational courses in the A&D program and get a jump start on your certificate path today!
Encoded Archival Description

March 11-12, 2019 | REGISTER NOW!
Instructors: Michael Rush & Dr. Kathy Wisser
Early-Bird Deadline: February 12, 2019
Here’s your chance to receive the instruction and hands-on practice you need to bridge the digital divide. Get acquainted with the language of XML and practice with XML authoring software. This two-day course covers the most up-to-date EAD version.
In this course, you will:
- Discuss an overview of Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Examine the structure of EAD (the SAA-endorsed standard for archival finding aids)
- Mark up a finding aid
- Explore style sheets and implementation strategies
- Practice encoding a finding aid using EAD
Who should attend? Archivists and others who are charged with exploring and/or implementing EAD at their institution or who want to enhance their résumé
What Should You Know? Participants should have arrangement and description practice and familiarity with finding aids
Arrangement and Description: Fundamentals

March 14-15, 2019 | REGISTER NOW!
Instructors: Pam Hackbart-Dean & Anne Ostendarp
Early-Bird Deadline: February 15, 2019
This two-day course introduces the basic principles, concepts, and tools that archivists use to establish both physical and intellectual control over archival records. These include: developing accession records and processing work plans; identifying common arrangement schemes for collections with varying formats; and how to physically organize materials during processing. You will learn the essential elements of a finding aid and the major descriptive standards that support these elements, as well as the day-to-day decisions made in arranging and describing archival materials. You’ll also participate in a set of exercises designed to emphasize the principles and concepts of arrangement and description.
Who Should Attend? New archives professionals and graduate students in archival programs who have little or no experience in the arrangement and description of archival records;
What Should You Know? Participants are expected to have basic archival training and education.
Click the blue Register links above to register for these courses!