Help save flood-damaged family photos with Preservation Houston and Operation Photo Rescue
Volunteer shifts available 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, December 9 and 10
Sign up for a volunteer shift now
Preservation Houston needs your help reclaiming family photos that were casualties of Hurricane Harvey. PH is partnering in a special program with Operation Photo Rescue (OPR), a group of volunteer photographers, graphic designers and photo restorers who repair personal photographs that have been damaged by unforeseen circumstances. As OPR says, “Insurance doesn’t restore memories . . . but we do!”
Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles, including checking people in and helping them with the necessary paperwork, sorting damaged photos and assisting the volunteer photographers. Three-hour shifts are available beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 9, and Sunday, December 10. The event will be held at the Heights Clocktower, 611 West 22nd Street in the Heights. Volunteer online and indicate the shift(s) you can work and your preferred job. Volunteers must be able to work an entire three-hour shift.
During the Houston sessions, digital copies will be made of damaged photographs and the original photos will be returned immediately to the owner. The digital images will be sent to volunteer restorers around the United States who will repair, reprint and return the restored photographs at no cost to the people who own them.
Volunteers are needed to help in every step of the process. Photographers who would like to volunteer for the program should e-mail Preservation Houston with the subject line “Volunteer for OPR” or call (713) 510-3990 during regular business hours.
Appointments will be required to submit photos for restoration. Preservation Houston will send out an announcement when online registration opens. Because of the incredible number of photos damaged during Harvey and other recent disasters, OPR can accept a maximum of ten (10) photos per household.
Thank you for volunteering and helping recover family treasures. We look forward to working with you on December 9 and 10.