Category Archives: Meetings

AHA! Spring Meeting, April 7, 2016 at The Gregory School

April 7, 2016 at 6 p.m.
The African American Library at The Gregory School
1300 Victor St, Houston, TX, 77019

Topics will include:

  • Billy Glasco, Lead Archivist at The Gregory School, will provide a tour of the library
  • Sarah Gesell has proposed a website redesign. Please take a few moments before the meeting to review the new design here: AHA! Test Site
  • A call for Hospitality Committee members
  • Tabling opportunity at San Jacinto Symposium, Saturday, April 9, 2016, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Motion to officially retire the Yahoo! Listserv and to make it part of the AHA! Archives

AHA! Executive Meeting

The first Executive Meeting of 2016 will be next week!

February 18, 2016 at 6 p.m.
Black Walnut Cafe, Rice Village Location
5510 Morningside Dr, Houston, TX

Topics will include:

  • Theme for this year — “Archives and Community Outreach”?
  • Archives Month activities
  • Website updates
  • Other organizational activities

AHA! Holiday Party & Elections – December 10th

Just a reminder that our Holiday Party is upon us. I look forward to seeing many of you there tomorrow. As a quick recap:  Time: 6:00pm. Location:  The Little Art Gallery on the University of St. Thomas campus (corner of Yoakum and Branard).  Parking should be in back of the house or street parking in surrounding neighborhood.

From my announcement yesterday, I also need to issue a retraction. I had initially mentioned that we would be voting on a by-laws amendment proposal. It has been brought to my attention that although we had discussed this at the Spring meeting and it was captured in the minutes, we still needed to announce the proposal to membership at least 3 weeks prior to the December meeting. Per Article VI of our existing By-laws.  As your President that is my fault and responsibility and I apologize about this. As a result we will not be voting on the proposed document at this time. It will have to wait until next year.

Attached you will find the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting in addition to the slate for the 2016 candidates. Please note that for the position of Vice-President, we have Emily Vinson who has agreed to run, but she is currently running unopposed as we have not received an additional candidate nomination. There is the provision of Article V Section 2B that prior to election, nominations can be made and seconded from the floor prior to the election of each officer, so if we really have a late entry for VP that is a possibility.

Finally, I wanted  to share with you news about the SSA Proposed deadline extension from our SSA President Mary Manning. The good news is that they are still seeking proposals for a session or paper for the 2016 SSA Conference. Deadline has been extended to December 18th for submissions.  I’m sure you all have something to contribute to this year’s theme of Native Routes. Please see attachment for additional details and submission.


Vince Lee

AHA Holiday Meeting 2015 Agenda

2016 Election Candidates

SSA Call of Papers December 2016

AHA! Holiday party and Elections, December 10

The Holiday Party this year will be held at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 10th, 2015 at the Little Art Gallery on the University of St. Thomas campus.

That gallery is housed in the Hughes House on the corner of Yoakum Blvd. and Branard St. and that location does include some parking at the rear of the house.

Feel free to bring your favorite holiday goodies to share.

Mark your calendars and we will see you all then!

Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association Annual Meeting

Mark your calendars!  LAMA’s annual meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 6, 2015 at the Catholic Life Center, located at 1800 South Acadian Thruway, Baton Rouge. Registration is from 8:30-9:00.  We have a great lineup of speakers and topics.

Leslie Bourgeois of Louisiana Public Broadcasting will present on “The Louisiana Digital Media Archive: Preserving Louisiana’s Media History Through Collaboration”.  In our second session, “Reaching Out with Outreach: How to promote your collections with limited staff and no budget”, Cyndy Robertson will discuss ways to reach patrons and get them connected with the best resources.  The final presentation of the day will be given by Annie Peterson of Tulane University, Chris Harter of the Amistad Research Center, Trish Nugent of Loyola University, and Lee Leumas of the Archdiocese of New Orleans in a session on “Strategic Planning for Collaborative Preservation”.

Following the presentations, we will hold our annual business meeting.  The day will conclude with a tour of the Baton Rouge Room at the Main Library of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library system.

If there is interest, a dinner will be planned on Thursday night for early arrivers.

Attached you will find the Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association Annual Meeting 2015 registration form with information about hotels, the full meeting schedule and a separate Restaurant Guide for lunch.

The deadline for registration is Friday, October 23, 2015.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or 225-242-0217.

I look forward to seeing you on November 6th.

Katie Oubre, Vice-President of LAMA


AHA! Summer Meeting scheduled for July 8–UPDATED!

AHA! Summer Meeting has been scheduled for July 8 at TSU Special Collections.

Summer Meeting

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

6:00 PM

Texas Southern University

Barbara Jordan Archives and Special Collections

Robert J. Terry Library

3100 Cleburne Street

Houston, Texas 77004



  • Introductory remarks
  • Acceptance of Minutes/Secretary’s Report
  • President’s Report
  • Vice President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Audio/Visual Presentation – Emily Vinson and Sandra Yates

Map of TSU and parking:

TSU campus  map

AHA! Spring Meeting on Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The AHA! spring meeting will be on Wednesday, April 1 at 6 pm at The Heritage Society. Our guest speaker will be author Louis Aulbach.


  • Introductory remarks
  • Acceptance of Minutes/Secretary’s Report
  • President’s Report
  • Vice President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Presentation – Louis Aulbach, Author and Publisher, Guides to the rivers and parks of West Texas: Rio Grande, Devils River, Pecos River, and others. “Keeping up with the changing nature of archival research — an author’s  perspective.”

Directions to The Heritage Society can be found:

Parking Information:

Please park in the Heritage Society’s lot behind the Kellum-Noble House. The best approach to the parking lot is heading east toward downtown on Allen Parkway. Turn right immediately after going under Interstate 45. Be careful not to accidentally turn right onto the interstate just before reaching the parking lot. You can also enter the parking lot from the intersection of Clay and Bagby/West Dallas. Additional parking is available at the Heritage Clay Street Garage for a fee. Tours begin at the Tour Office located in the Museum. The Heritage Society parking lot is open from 8:30 a.m.−5 p.m. Monday−Saturday and for THS special events.

Documenting the history of The Meridian Highway across Texas, February 18

Individuals and organizations are encouraged to attend a public outreach meeting to share information and visual items related to the Meridian Highway for use in a public project. Texas Historical Commission (THC) staff and representatives of the preservation planning firm Hardy-Heck-Moore, Inc. (HHM) will introduce the project and involve community members through discussion, question-and-answer session, and displays of maps and historical Meridian images. Please bring historical photos, postcards, maps, and other Meridian-related items to the meeting. With your consent, HHM staff will scan or photograph materials to be included in the project. The meeting is open to the public and will be held Wednesday, February 18, 5:30-7:00 p.m. For more information visit:

WHO: Hosted by Preservation Houston, Hardy-Heck-Moore, Inc., and THC staff. The public is invited.

WHAT: Meridian Highway Public Outreach Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday, February 18, 5:30-7:00 p.m.

WHERE: The Parador
2021 Binz Street
Houston, Texas 77004

BACKGROUND: The THC is undertaking a two-year study to document the history of the Meridian Highway. The THC has awarded the contract to complete the study to Hardy-Heck-Moore, Inc., an Austin-based historic preservation planning and management firm. The project will result in a written history of the Texas section of the Meridian Highway, and a survey of the Texas Meridian route, including associated historic resources: auto repair garages, gas stations, diners, tourist camps, auto courts, motels, road markers, paving, and traffic signs. This effort is funded by the Texas Legislature and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) through the Transportation Enhancement Program. For more information, contact the THC’s History Programs Division at 512.463.5853 or visit

AHA! Holiday party and Elections, December 11

This year the University of St. Thomas will be hosting the annual holiday party and meeting. Please plan to attend Thursday, December 11th at 6 pm in the Crooker Center – Ahern Room, 1st Floor. Guest speakers are Margaret Culbertson and Michelle Johnson from the William J. Hill Texas Artisans & Artists Archive.

•Elections – A new board for 2015 will be elected. You must be a member of AHA! to vote. Candidates to be announced shortly.
•Food – It will be potluck, so please bring something to share. AHA! Board is providing a ham and rolls for the party.

University of St. Thomas

Crooker Center – Ahern Room
3909 Graustark
Houston, Texas

Street parking is available or there is also a parking garage. The Moran Center Parking Garage, located at the corner of West Alabama and Graustark (enter on Graustark) is available to all students, employees and visitors. Rate: $2/day. More information on parking and location of Crooker Center can be found: