Category Archives: AHA!

Volunteers needed for AHA table at the Houston History Conference

We’re seeking volunteers to man the AHA! table at the Houston History Conference on Saturday, June 2, 2012 from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.  Volunteers can also register for the meeting here and arrange to attend sessions and the provided lunch.

Please contact Terry Brown and Robert Schaadt to volunteer or for more information

More information about the conference:

AHA meeting – April 24 – Archives Digitization Presentation and Roundtable

Please join us for an AHA event in celebration of Preservation Week
Archives digitization presentation and roundtable
Tuesday, April 24, 6-8pm
Rice University, Fondren Library, Kyle Morrow Room

Representatives from University of Houston, Houston Public Library, and Rice University will each present a 10 minute overview of their digitization programs, and then invite open discussion and questions.
Other AHA members who are also engaged in digitization (or would like to be) are encouraged to attend and share their experiences as well. We hope to see you there!

Topics to covered in the overviews:
– what kinds of materials does the repository digitize?
– are they available online? where?
– if material is online, what platform and software are used?
– what is the workflow for such projects?
– how does preservation of these digital objects take place?
–  documentation / guidelines which can be shared
– digitization challenges and victories

Panelists include Roland Lemonius and Amber Seely from Houston Public Library, Valerie Prilop and Nicci Westbrook from the University of Houston, and Amanda Focke, Dara Flinn, and Monica Rivero from Rice University.

AHA meeting (March 22) postponed

Due to scheduling conflicts the March 22 AHA meeting and digital media roundtable discussion has been postponed (location and date TBA).

We’re still looking for participants to share information about digitization projects such as:

– what kinds of materials do you digitize?
– are they available online? where?
– if material is online, what platform / software do you use?
– what is your workflow for such projects?
– do you have documentation / guidelines you could share?
– what challenges have you had? what victories?

Also, do you have questions you would like to hear discussed?
Would you like to present on your own efforts?

Please contact Amanda Focke  – or 713-348-2124

AHA Meeting & Digital Media Roundtable – March 22

Join us for the first AHA meeting of 2012 on Thursday, March 22 at 6 pm at Fondren Library, Rice University.

There will be a roundtable discussion about digital media including Woodson Research Center’s Amanda Focke and Dara Flinn, and Monica Rivero from Rice’s Digital Media Center.

Also, please mail your $10 dues to our treasurer:

Terry Brown
Treasurer, AHA!
872 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057

Upcoming meetings:

Our summer meeting will be on July 12. Vindicator Publisher Carol Skewes will make a presentation on “Submitting News and Photos to the Texas Press.”  This will cover the proper ways to submit election news for publication and how to gain publicity for your archives (location TBA).

October is archives month with a dinner, meeting, and an outing and December 5 with be the date of the December Election Meeting and the famous, fabulous Christmas Party.  Terry Brown of the Houston Symphony Archives has been gracious again to offer to host this meeting.

2012 AHA Officers

The winning candidates are:

Vice President/President-elect:
Lorraine Stuart, Museum of Fine Arts Houston Archives

Terry Brown, Houston Symphony Archives

Elizabeth Sargent, Houston Metropolitan Research Center – Houston Public Library

AHA Holiday Party

Join AHA! for some Christmas fun and cheer at the annual Holiday Potluck and Election.

WHEN: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 6-8pm

WHERE: Houston Symphony Archives

1220 Augusta Drive, Suite 250, Houston, TX 77057
Free parking is available on levels 3-6 in the parking garage.
(Building is across from the soccer field of the YMCA on Augusta.)

WHAT: Activities will include:

•Elections – A new board for 2012 will be elected. You must be a member of AHA! to vote. Candidates to be announced shortly.
•Food – It will be a potluck, so please bring something to share. AHA! will provide table ware and drinks.
•Socializing – Chat with old friends and meet new members.
•Games – Test your holiday knowledge and win a prize!
•Ornament exchange – Bring an “archival” ornament to exchange. Use your imagination and be creative!

Reminder – Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission talk, October 20

Phil Montgomery, archivist at the John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center, comes back to Rice to give his talk “Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission: lessons in compassion, language and cooperation.”

The talk covers the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC) collections, which is a long-term study of the effects of radiation on the survivors of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The Texas Medical Center Library’s ABCC collection is recognized in Japan as one the three worldwide leading sources on the effects of nuclear weapons. The other sites are the NIH archive in Washington D.C. and the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Japan.

Phil will show photographs from the collection to tell the story about the challenges and the gifts that arise from caring for these papers and how an international consortium is slowly taking shape with the intent of sharing this information. The collection regularly draws researchers from Japan and throughout the U.S. who study the effects of the bombings and the interaction between two divergent cultures.

The ABCC study began in 1947 and lasted until 1975, when the organization was changed to the Radiation Effects Research Foundation. The ABCC collection consists of 20 assorted collections measuring 184 cubic feet and includes hundreds of photographs, correspondence, memos, diaries, realia, maps, film and official ABCC documents.

WHEN: Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 6 pm

WHERE: Kyle Morrow Room, Fondren Library (3rd floor), Rice University (parking information)

Phil biking in front of Lovett Hall, Rice University, 1990s

AHA! Galveston Trip – October 15

Join us Saturday, October 15th in Galveston! We will meet at 10 am at the Truman G. Blocker History of Medicine Collections at the Moody Medical Library, head over to the Galveston and Texas History Center at the Rosenberg Library at 11:30 am, then have lunch at Fisherman’s Wharf at 12:30 pm.

Please contact Robert Schaadt for questions or more information.

Schedule, location, and parking information:

10:00 am

Truman G. Blocker History of Medicine Collections
Moody Medical Library, UTMB

The Moody Library is on Market Street between 9th and 10th streets. There is visitor parking available in the garage across the street as well as street parking

11:30 am

Rosenberg Library, Galveston and Texas History Center
The Rosenberg is on Sealy Street between 23rd and 24th streets

12:30 pm

Lunch at Fisherman’s Wharf
Fisherman’s Wharf is at 2200 Harborside Dr.  and the restaurant validates parking