Category Archives: AHA!

Let the Digitization Games Begin!

AHA is hosting its first free online international digitization game event, facilitated by Sean Macmillan of King’s College London on Friday, August 23rd from 10 am – 11:30 am.  The theme for this gaming event is Digital Preservation!
A little bit about our facilitator Sean Macmillan.
“Sean Macmillan is a digital collections manager based in King’s College London. His background is in archives, and has previously worked for the University of London, University of Oxford, Liverpool Hope University, and a family private estate. He has a passion for games and learning, and has organized a number of digital preservation games events in the past two years”
If you are an expert in digital preservation or want to build a better understanding and awareness of best practice in a fun and friendly environment, then please join us! As this is the first time hosting a Digital Preservation Game event, seating is limited.  To sign up, use the link below.   Deadline to sign up is August 20th.
Hope to see you there!
Front image of color postcard Join Archivists of the Houston Area (AHA!). Includes our mission statement, what does membership do for you, how to join, how to get involved in AHA!, and contact information. Download and distribute to potential members.

Join AHA! Postcards and Flyers Available

Have you ever been plugging the Archivists of the Houston Area (AHA!) to a new hire or graduate student and thought, “Man, I wish I had something tangible to give you with all the information you need to join the Premier Archivist Organization of Southeast Texas?” Well, look no further! AHA! now has postcards and flyers available for download.

We also have 250 postcards printed in vibrant color for area repositories to have on hand for anyone interested in becoming an AHA! member, like staff, interns, volunteers, and researchers.

Sign-up to receive your tangible postcards today (while supplies last): Signup-Distribute_Postcards


Preview Gallery

Join AHA! Today

Archivists of the Houston Area! (AHA!) is the premiere archivists organization of Southeast Texas.

Our Mission

AHA! exists to increase contact and communication between archivists and those working with records, to provide opportunities for professional development, and to promote archival repositories and activities in the greater Houston, Texas area.

What does membership do for you? It’s an opportunity to…

  • Get involved and collaborate with 100s of other archivists in the area.
  • Attend meetings and events throughout the year, virtually and in-person.
  • Share experiences and skills.
  • Receive alerts to events, meetings, professional opportunities, and job announcements through our email list.
  • Step into a leadership role right away.
  • Count credits toward ACA recertification.

How to join AHA!

You can join AHA! In 3 easy steps:

  1. Fill out Membership Application, 
  2. Pay Membership Dues, only $10 (cash, check) $11 (credit) per calendar year, 
  3. We’ll add you to the AHA! Google Group, and you can start contributing, impacting, and changing AHA! for the future right away.

Get involved in AHA!

  • Contribute by posting to the email group.
  • Join the programming committee at any time and help plan meetings and events.
  • Step into a leadership role right away; the executive board is made up of elected officers, a programming committee, and social media coordinators.
  • President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected every year.
  • Present at a meeting. Suggestions for educational programming are always welcome.

Donate $3 & Get a Glitter Sticker

✨Back by popular demand!✨ Our “Old, Weird Houston” stickers have been re-issued in a special glitter edition. These went quickly at our event at The Orange Show back in April!

  • Get yours by donating $3 dollars or more.
  • Stickers are 3in x 3in, are durable and weather resistant with a glittering look but none of the mess of actual glitter! These will look good on your laptop or even car bumper.
  • Donate through our Square store. Once your donation has been received, the Treasurer will contact you by Email for your shipping information.
  • To donate visit:

The AHA Board invites you to our first ever Virtual Open House!

Who should attend?
Anyone interested in becoming a member of AHA! That includes library students, recently graduated, professionals, and archives enthusiasts living or working in the Houston area!

We will present opportunities for networking and connecting with peers in our area!

Meet members of the AHA Board!
Have questions on the history and mission of AHA? Interested in upcoming events? Have questions for us? Join us and chat!

Sign up get a reminder on your calendar at:

Meeting link:

AHA! Hosts Archival Certification Panel

By Joe Lueck, AHA! Secretary

On September 22, 2020, the members of AHA! convened virtually for the second general meeting of the year. The AHA! board overviewed ongoing and future initiatives, including a slate of exciting Archives Month programming for October. Watch your inbox for more information in the coming weeks! If you’re not on the AHA! listserv and are interested in becoming a member, contact the board at  

Following the business meeting, archivists and AHA! members John Rovell, Sandra Yates, and Amanda Focke shared their experiences and thoughts on the Certified Archivist (CA) and Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) certification programs. The panelists discussed skills and lessons learned, the costs and benefits of each certification program, and answered questions from the group, offering advice to prospective certificate seekers. 

The Certified Archivist certification is offered by the Academy of Certified Archivists, an independent organization made up of professional archivists. Obtaining this certification involves coursework, professional service, and passage of an exam covering all aspects of archival enterprise.

The Digital Archives Specialist certification is offered by the Society of American Archivists. This certification pertains specifically to working with born-digital records, involving a customizable curriculum of coursework and a cumulative final exam. 

Thank you again to our panelists! If you are interested in viewing a recording of the meeting and panel, contact the AHA! board at


AHA! Statement in Support of Protests and Anti-Racist Practices

Today is filled with sadness and heartbreak for the family and friends of George Floyd, the City of Houston, and communities around the world.

We join the Society of Southwest Archivists and the Society of American Archivists in “condemning the continued racist acts of violence committed against members of our Black communities across the country.” We acknowledge the “systemic racism and white supremacy that has been a part of United States government since its founding, and as archivists, we know the historical evidence bears witness to the legacy of oppression, violence, and death that structural racism has imposed on Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and other communities of color. When it comes to perpetuating institutional racism and white supremacist culture, archives are no exception.”(1, 2)

We understand “no one owes their trauma to archivists,”(3) and we urge ethical documentation in times of crisis.(4, 5)

We support Houstonians’ right to peacefully protest and demand policy reform, justice, and equal treatment under the law; and we believe Black Lives Matter.

Please consider attending SAA Community Reflection on Black Lives and Archives this Friday, June 12 at 2:00 pm CST. Documenting the Now is looking for archivists and other memory workers who are willing to share their time, resources, and expertise to help activists document police violence. You may volunteer here.

We invite you to share any words of solace and healing by replying individually to and we will compile them to send a card to the family of George Floyd.

Archivists of the Houston Area Board

2- SAA Council Statement on Black Lives and Archives
3-No one owes their trauma to archivists, or, the commodification of contemporaneous collecting
4-Documenting in Times of Crisis: A Resource Kit
5-The Blackivists’ Five Tips for Organizers, Protestors, and Anyone Documenting Movements


AHA! Recommends Closure of Houston Libraries and Archives

Archivists of the Houston Area (AHA!) recommends that libraries and archival institutions in the Houston area cease public operations in adherence with national and local guidelines regarding the spread of COVID-19 and in solidarity with national, regional, and local professional organizations and ensure fair compensation for staff during the ongoing situation.

We commend the libraries and archival institutions that have closed in order to protect our communities from the spread of COVID-19, follow social distancing guidelines intended to “flatten the curve,” and, we hope, save lives.

Nationally, the United States Government and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommend social distancing measures and working from home whenever possible. Locally, the City of Houston also recommends working from home whenever possible, avoiding gatherings of over 10 people, and avoiding discretionary travel. The Society of American Archivists also urges leaders and administrators to act swiftly to close archival institutions and support employees in work from home plans stating, “the valued labor of archivists is not more important than the health of the people doing that work.”

AHA! recommends the SAA Accessibility & Disability section’s “Archivists at Home” document to assist in devising work from home plans and tasks for archivists and staff. If you are concerned about the effect of COVID-19 on your workplace status, income, or access to sick time and family leave time, please consider filling out the Contingent Archival Workers and COVID-19  anonymous survey. SAA has also created a resource page to help the archives community navigate this global health crisis.

Stay safe and healthy,

AHA! Board

AHA! visits the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston!

Stacks area at MFAH Archives. Photo by Joe Lueck.

By Joe Lueck, AHA! Secretary

On March 12th, 2020, the members of AHA! held their first general meeting of the year at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. MFAH archivists Marie Wise and Stratton Meyer graciously hosted the event, and offered a tour of the MFAH archives’ new space in the institution’s administration building at 5100 Montrose Boulevard.

Reading Room at MFAH Archives. Photo by Lilly Carrel.

Under the care of Wise and Meyer, the MFAH archives have reopened for research following a three year closure. The collections include institutional records and manuscript collections from affiliated and local artists, documenting over one hundred years of institutional and local history. Traffic in the reading room has been consistent since reopening, as researchers from inside and outside the MFAH dig into the archives’ rich historical and cultural resources.

Stacks area at MFAH Archives. Photo by Lilly Carrel.

Wise and Meyer worked creatively to configure shelving in the new space, making the most of the former studio spaces now available for archival storage. Using a color coordination system, the archivists deftly managed the move of collection material from two offsite storage locations outside the 610 loop to the museum’s main campus.

Thanks again to the MFAH, Marie, and Stratton for hosting! Visit the MFAH Archives website for more information about hours, available resources, and collections.

First AHA! Meeting of 2019!

Our first meeting of the year will be Thursday, April 11 at 6:00 PM at the Woodson Research Center, located in Fondren Library on the campus of Rice University. Dr. Joshua Furman will speak to us about the Houston Jewish History Archive.

Founded in 2017 in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Houston Jewish History Archive is dedicated to the study and preservation of Jewish life in South Texas. By collecting artifacts from all facets of Jewish life, the HJHA sheds light on how Jews in and around Houston have balanced maintaining their traditions and heritage with adapting to life in Texas and the United States.

Prior to Dr. Furman’s discussion, we will have a short business meeting including an update on the upcoming Houston Archives Bazaar. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Lilly Carrel at


The closest parking to Fondren Library is the Rice Central Garage.  Please see the Rice University interactive campus map for more information:

Questions please contact: Emily Scott at

We hope you will join us for our 2019 inaugural meeting!

Call for AHA! Nominations

The AHA! nomination committee is accepting nominations (including self-nominations) for AHA! officers, including the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice-President (President-elect). This is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the future of AHA! and further its goal to develop and increase collaboration and communication across the Houston area. Furthermore, serving as an officer provides members with a valuable leadership experience.

All members of AHA! are eligible to run for an officer position, terms are one year. The election will take place at the December meeting (date forthcoming). Please submit all nominations to Emily Vinson,

Please see below for pertinent bylaws related to officer responsibilities and elections, complete AHA! bylaws can be accessed on the AHA! website.

Article IV: Organization

  1. Officers
  2. Elected officers of the organization shall be the President, Vice-President (President-elect), Secretary, and Treasurer.
  3. Termof Office
  4. Each officer serves a one-year term of office starting after the elections at the December meeting.
  5. Should an officer other than the President be unable to complete their one-year term, a special election will be held at the next meeting to replace the officer for the duration of the term. Should the President have to leave office, the Vice-President will act as president until the end of the President’s term of office and the following year.
  6. Duties
  7. President coordinates the organization’s meetings; presides at all meetings and seeks members to serve on committees.
  8. Vice-President assumes the presidential duties in the absence of the President; maintains the membership rolls; and notifies all members of the meetings. The VicePresident coordinates Archives Month activities. The Vice-President also serves as co-signer for bank accounts and other assets of the association.
  9. Secretary takes minutes of all meetings of the organization and maintains a copy of the current by-laws.
  10. Treasureris custodian of all funds; receives all membership dues; and reports to the organization at meetings on the financial standing of the organization.
  11. Committees
  12. The President is authorized to establish special committees to work on projects.
  13. Webmaster and Hospitality are recurring committee positions. Committee members may be confirmed by the President.
  14. Committees shall report to the membership on their progress at each meeting.

Article V: Elections 

  1. Elections for Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice-President will be held every year at the December meeting.
  2. Nominations
  3. A nomination committee consisting of the acting President and at least two members of the organization will nominate members for office. Only members in good standing are eligible for nomination.
  4. Nominations can be made and seconded from the floor prior to the election of each officer.
  5. No person shall be elected to any office or named to any position of responsibility who is not present at the said election and who has not freely offered his or her name for the purpose.
  6. Voting shall be by secret ballot when there is more than one candidate for a particular office.
  7. Election shall be by a simple majority.