Directions to July 9 meeting at WRC

A reminder that our next AHA! meeting is today Thursday, July 9th, at the Woodson Research Center at Rice. The Woodson opens it doors to AHA at 4:30 p.m., we will begin eating between 5 and 5:30 with the meeting starting about 6:30. Information about parking and and a campus map is included below.

Our speaker will be Lena Le Moal, a professional bookbinder and graduate of the Lycée Tolbiac, a bookbinding and book conservation school in Paris. Lena has also worked in the book lab at the Harry Ransom Center and is now teaching at the Houston Museum of Printing History. She will talk about the different steps in evaluating damage to a book, tips on handling them, decisions to make as far as the type of repair, the budget, the options and the right people to call. Learn about what you can do yourself or techniques easy to learn, as well as what you should not do. Proper material for conservation will also be discussed.

AHA! will provide sandwich fixings, drinks, and tableware. Sides and desserts will be potluck.
We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Following is link for parking information:

Campus map:

How to pay for parking: