Category Archives: Professional development

TCDL 2015 Call for Proposals

Help to build the program for the 2015 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries!


The 2015 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries will be held April 27-28 at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center in Austin. The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries is the premiere gathering of digital library and information professionals across Texas and beyond. This is your opportunity to be part of the program.

Submit a Proposal for 2015!

TCDL addresses a wide range of topics including creation, promotion, preservation and management of digital projects and assets, as well as the software and applications that drive the digital library world. Through a blend of interactive presentations, engaging speakers and informative workshops, TCDL 2015 will be a great place to network and experience the latest in all things digital.

What kind of broad areas would we hope to see covered at TCDL 2015? Here are some ideas!

  • Unexpected finds: present new ways to use existing technology or demonstrate a new piece of software that’s really made an impact on your workflow. Show off a new digital collection or project or present novel uses of your institution’s collection material.
  • Unexplained gaps: present ways the larger digital library community can work together to solve problems; initiate dialogues to answer to difficult questions that have faced your institution and to suggest solutions you’d like to see offered at a state or national level.
  • Unexplored collaborations: discover ways to partner together to address an unmet collecting need, novel partnerships that produced interesting results or ideas for greater exposure for collaborative collections.

Whatever you choose to submit, topics explored can include project management, intellectual property issues, deep explorations of software applications … the sky’s the limit! Need more inspiration? Check out last year’s successful programs to get your creative juices flowing.

How can you make your mark on TCDL 2015? Simple: submit a session proposal today. Sessions can take a number of forms, including:

  • Presentations: General presentations on practical work, theoretical or speculative issues, or ongoing or completed research.
  • Panels: Panel sessions should address a single topic from multiple perspectives and should engage the audience for a full 80-minute session.
  • 24×7 Presentations (24 slides in 7 minutes): 7-minute presentations comprising no more than 24 slides.
  • Posters: Posters will be featured at the conference reception and through a “Minute Madness” session, during which presenters will give a 60-second summary of each poster.
  • Workshops, Tutorials & Demos, Birds of a Feather Sessions: These events provide venues for in-depth instruction in important areas of digital library practice (workshops), demonstrations of new or useful tools and technologies (tutorials), and gatherings of interested attendees to engage in discussion about a particular topic (birds-of-a-feather sessions). Events in this category can range from 1 to 4 hours.

How to Submit a Proposal

More information and the Proposal Submission link can be found at the conference website.

Important Dates

Be a part of TCDL 2015 by submitting your session proposal now. Deadlines and other key dates are approaching quickly!

  • November 17: Call for Proposals
  • February 9: Deadline for all Conference Proposal Submissions
  • March 16: Notification of acceptance
  • March 31: Early bird registration deadline

Questions? Email us at

Announcing keynote speaker for TCDL 2015

Make plans now to attend the 2015 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (#tcdl2015), to be held April 27-28 in at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center in Austin, Texas.



We are delighted to announce that Bess Sadler from Stanford University Libraries will serve as the keynote speaker for TCDL 2015.

An open source advocate and self-described library “geek,” Bess Sadler is Manager for Application Development at Stanford and was formerly Chief Architect for the Online Library Environment and Research and Development Librarian at University of Virginia Library. She is a co-founder of several successful open source software projects including Blacklight ( and Hydra (, which are used by libraries, museums, archives, and cultural institutions around the world.

You can follow Bess Sadler on Twitter at and on her blog “Solvitur ambulando” at



Discounted early registration will open on January 20, 2015. Conference registration fees will cover conference sessions, including the keynote session, presentations, poster sessions, and some workshops. Light breakfast and snacks, as well as a conference reception, will be included as part of the regular registration package.

Costs: Discounted rates for early registration will be $125 for TDL members, $185 for regular attendees, and $60 for students. Early registration will open on January 20 and continue through March 31, after which rates will increase. More information about registration is available on the TCDL website.

A limited number of hotel rooms are available at the conference center hotel at a special rate of $179 per night through March 30, 2015. See the conference website for details.


The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries covers topics relevant to the creation, promotion, and preservation of research, scholarship, and cultural heritage digital materials. The goal of TCDL is to bring together those working on digital projects — including outreach librarians, repository managers, cataloguers, faculty members, technical staff, and others — in order to build a practical, usable and sustainable model for digital libraries.

When: April 27-28, 2015
Where: AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center in Austin, Texas
For more information, and to view information about past conferences, visit the TCDL 2015 website.

For more information, and to view information about past conferences, visit the TCDL 2015 website.

Save the Date! TCDL 2015: April 27-28 in Austin

Mark your calendars!

The Texas Digital Library conference committee is pleased to announce that the 2015 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries will be held April 27-28, 2015, in Austin, Texas.

TCDL 2015 will be held at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center, located on the UT Austin campus.

The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries covers topics relevant to the creation, promotion, and preservation of research, scholarship, and cultural heritage digital materials. The goal of TCDL is to bring together those working on digital projects — including outreach librarians, repository managers, cataloguers, faculty members, technical staff, and others — in order to build a practical, usable and sustainable model for digital libraries.

When: April 27-28, 2015
Where: AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center in Austin, Texas

More information about registration rates and conference programming will be coming soon! Registration will cover conference sessions, including keynotes, presentations, poster sessions, and some workshops. Light breakfast and snacks, as well as a conference reception, will be included as part of the regular registration package.

For more information, and to view information about past conferences, visit the TCDL 2015 website.

DAS Comprehensive Exam scheduled to take place at Rice University on November 10

The next round of the Society of American Archivists’ DAS Comprehensive Examinations is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. The exam will take place in several locations including Rice University in Houston!

If you have completed the required number of courses and examinations and would like to register for the exam, please visit the SAA website for more information and/or contact the Education Office. The last day to register is October 17. Registration is processed on a first come first served basis. The next opportunity you will have to take the exam will be in late February 2015 at several other exam sites around the country.

Basics of Managing Electronic records DAS webinar – Wednesday, Dec. 18

Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library is hosting an upcoming DAS (Digital Archives Specialist) webinar:

Basics of Managing Electronic Records — Getting You Started!

This DAS Foundational course will provide attendees the basics they need to know in order to start solving their electronic records problems.  Topics include identifying preservation formats, appraising, accessioning, and preserving electronic records, and working with records creators.

 A full course description is available at:


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Julia Ideson Building | Norma Meldrum Room
550 McKinney | Houston, TX 77002

Parking is available in the Central Library’s Parking Garage for a fee.
(Downtown Houston Parking Information)

 The course is provided to participants at no cost but preregistration is required.

 To register send your name and email address to Elizabeth Sargent at


This webinar is one of five being offered through collaboration between:

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library
McGovern Historical Collections, Texas Medical Center Library
Rice University
University of Houston Libraries


Electronic Records DAS webinar at University of Houston, October 29

University of Houston Libraries is hosting an upcoming webinar in the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) curriculum.

Electronic Records—the Next Step! (Webinar)

Date: Tuesday, October 29
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: University of Houston, M.D. Anderson Library, room 10-F (basement)

This course is focused on systems that any archives must put in place to ensure it can manage electronic records, and it will cover how to prepare for and address a still uncertain future concerning the management of electronic records.

This webinar is the third of five being offered through a collaboration between The University of Houston Libraries; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library; McGovern Historical Collections; and Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library, Rice University.

The course is provided to participants at no cost but preregistration is required. For more information and to register, send your name and email address to Mary Manning at

Rice University to host DAS workshop August 21

Rice University’s Fondren Library will host a foundational course in the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) Curriculum and Certificate Program:

Thinking Digital: A Practical Session to Help You Get Started

Explore basic concepts, models, and workflows for creating and curating digital objects and collections.

Wednesday August 21

2:00 PM -3:30 PM

Kyle Morrow Room
3rd Floor, Fondren Library
Rice University
(Campus Map)
(Parking at Rice University)

If you intend to pursue the Certificate, you’ll need to pass the examination for this course. Please follow “Procedures for DAS webinars” to access the exam information. For more information on the DAS Curriculum and Certificate visit

To register send your name and email address to Dara Flinn at

Additional webinars in the series will be offered by:

Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library
McGovern Historical Collections
The Museum of Fine Arts,  Houston Archives
University of Houston Libraries, Special Collections