Basics of Managing Electronic records DAS webinar – Wednesday, Dec. 18

Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library is hosting an upcoming DAS (Digital Archives Specialist) webinar:

Basics of Managing Electronic Records — Getting You Started!

This DAS Foundational course will provide attendees the basics they need to know in order to start solving their electronic records problems.  Topics include identifying preservation formats, appraising, accessioning, and preserving electronic records, and working with records creators.

 A full course description is available at:


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Julia Ideson Building | Norma Meldrum Room
550 McKinney | Houston, TX 77002

Parking is available in the Central Library’s Parking Garage for a fee.
(Downtown Houston Parking Information)

 The course is provided to participants at no cost but preregistration is required.

 To register send your name and email address to Elizabeth Sargent at


This webinar is one of five being offered through collaboration between:

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library
McGovern Historical Collections, Texas Medical Center Library
Rice University
University of Houston Libraries