Hello Southwest Archivists,
Your newsletter needs more submissions! We have not received many articles for the upcoming Southwestern Archivist, so are extending the deadline until Wednesday, April 20. Have a fascinating newly processed collection? A grant project that’s underway? A new outreach program to share? Committee service that affects southwestern archivists? We want to hear from you! Submission guidelines are below. If you have questions about a submission, please contact Amanda Norman, Dara Flinn, or your regional liaison (contacts below). Help us make our next issue a success!
General submission guidelines:
All submissions should be written in a style consistent with inclusion in a professional publication. Submissions should include author contact information immediately following the submitted text: Preferred name, institution, mailing address, phone/fax (optional), and preferred e-mail (optional). Please note that articles may be edited to conform to style conventions and space limitations.
Accompanying photographs are welcome and encouraged. Ideally, at least one (and up to 3) photographs should be submitted with each article contributed (although they are subject to space limitations). Please include appropriate captions and citations as text in the accompanying e-mail.
Requirements for submitting photographs
- Resolution: 300dpi or greater
- Size: at least 2″x 2″ – no upper limit on size
- Format: most any native image format is acceptable, including: tiff, jpg, psd
- Note: Images sent embedded in Word documents cannot be published in the newsletter, because Word compresses the images and converts them to a proprietary format. Please submit all images in the native image format.
Because some authors have requested word counts for articles, approximate word counts follow:
- 175 words / 150 words w/photo = 1/2 column (or 1/4 page vertical)
- 350 words / 275 words w/photo = 1 column (or 1/2 page vertical)
- 725 words / 600 words w/photo = 2 columns (or full page vertical)
Editorial preference is given to original articles that focus on repository news, that meet the above guidelines, and that arrive prior to the stated deadline. Articles are also evaluated by size; they may be edited to fit within the space available. The editors reserve the right to omit submissions or hold them over for a future issue.
Send all article submissions to your regional liaison:
Arizona: Lindsey Stegemoller at lstegemoller@icloud.com
Arkansas: Stephanie Bayless at sbayless@cals.org
Louisiana: Jennifer “Jenny” Mitchell at jmitc84@lsu.edu
New Mexico: Lynn Gates at legates@nmhu.edu
Oklahoma: Misty D. Smith at misty.d.smith@okstate.edu
Texas–North: Patrizia Nava at patrizia.nava@utdallas.edu
(West Texas, Midland/Odessa, Lubbock, El Paso, Dallas, and all points north)
Texas–South: Phyllis Kinnison at pkinnison@mosthistory.org
(San Antonio, Houston, Austin, and all points south.)
Out-of State Regions: Shelly Croteau at shelly.croteau@sos.mo.gov
Leadership Log: Krishna Shenoy at krishnas@jfk.org
Leadership Log
We know that you have been busy—so tell us what you’ve done! Send a short paragraph to Leadership Log and let your colleagues know about your accomplishments.
Send Krishna Shenoy (krishnas@jfk.org) an email if you have: • Won an award • Published a book or article • Given a talk or presentation • Been promoted • Retired • Started a new job • Elected or appointed to a leadership position in an archival organization • Any other major changes or events that your archival colleagues would find of interest.
Amanda Norman
Editor, Southwestern Archivist
email: amanda_norman@baylor.edu
Dara Flinn
Assistant Editor, Southwestern Archivist
email: dflinn@rice.edu