Slide from Spring Meeting of Archivists of the Houston Area (AHA)

AHA! Spring 2022 Meeting

Thank you to all who made it to our Spring 2022 meeting! For those of you that missed it, the Spring Meeting Program included:

  1. SSA Scholarship Recipients Announcement.
  2. Speaker, Matt Richardson, will talked about SSA Local Arrangements and how AHA! members can help. Matt is the Registration chair for SSA 2022 Houston. It’s a great opportunity to hear how we can contribute to the annual meeting.
  3. AHA! Social Media Action! Tips for submitting content and engaging more people through the AHA! social media accounts.

A link to the video of the meeting will be sent to the membership email list. See below for the slides from the presentation and the Zoom chat.

Presentation Slides:

Zoom Chat for links: