AHA and SAA present: Privacy and Health Information Webinar.
When: April 16, 2009 with registration from 5:30 to 6 p.m. and the webinar from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: McGovern Historical Collections, HAM/TMC, 1133 John Freeman Blvd., Houston, located in the Texas Medical Center.
Who: This event is free to all members of AHA! Non-members pay $15.
Registration: Either show up at the door or register early by contacting Javier Garza at jjgarza@mdanderson.org or 713-792-2285 or contacting Philip Montgomery at pmontgom@rice.edu or call 713-348-2542.
Sponsored by AHA and Hosted by McGovern Historical Collections, HAM/TMC.
Privacy and Health Information is a recording of a 90-minute web seminar presentation in June 2008, sponsored by the Society of American Archivists.
Health information of both living deceased individuals is collected in a wide variety of archival repositories from medical archives to local historical societies. What are the legal rights and ethical responsibilities that archivists and others should consider for access and use of this information? How do archivists adjudicate requests for access in compliance with legal and ethical rights to privacy?
This seminar explores:
• The Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
• The Federal Common Rule for Protection of Human Subjects
• Ethical policies for protecting identifiable health and human subject information.
It also explores policies, procedures, and practices for repositories to employ while administering access and use of materials containing identifiable health and human subject information, including:
• The concept of role-based access;
• The structure and operation of institutional review boards;
• Repository policies and procedures;
• Glossary of terms;
• Examples of forms;
• Guidelines for review of documents; and
• Risk analysis and decision-making.
Sponsored by AHA! Archivists of the Houston Area and hosted by McGovern Historical Collections, HAM/TMC.