Category Archives: AHA!

Archives Month 2017

Happy Archives Month! Here’s the plan for AHA! events. And if your repository is hosting Archives Month events, please let us know, and we will help get the word out!

Saturday, October 7:
AHA! members will be headed to Olivewood Cemetery to join in their volunteer clean-up day, 8-11 a.m. They ask that we print out, sign, and bring their volunteer form, and bring lawn tools if possible. For anyone who can’t make it on the 7th, there is another volunteer day on Saturday, October 21. For more information, and to fill out the volunteer waiver, please see the Descendants of Olivewood website: http://www.

Tuesday, October 10:
AHA! 2nd Tuesday Happy Hour @ 8th Wonder Brewery

Friday, October 13:
History Bus Tour with Mr. McKinney, 6-8pm. BYO food and beverage. Meet at the Buffalo Bayou Cistern, 105 Sabine St, Houston, TX 77007. Mr. McKinney asks that passengers passengers follow his Facebook page: @MisterMcKinneysHistoricHouston.

Please rsvp for the Olivewood clean-up and History Bus Tour to

Dues Payments Made Easy!

Greetings AHA!

We’re so happy to report that you can now pay your AHA! membership dues with any major credit card! We have setup an account with to handle credit card transactions. To cover the transaction fee, a convenience charge of $1 will be added to the regular $10 membership. As always you can still pay dues by cash and check. See the AHA Credit Card Flyer for more details.


Sandra Yates
AHA! Treasurer

Sandra E. Yates, MSIS, CA, DAS
Archivist & Special Collections Librarian
McGovern Historical Collections
Texas Medical Center Library
p: 713-799-7176
f: 713-799-7876

The Black Bag:

The Year Ahead for AHA!

Dear AHA! Members,

Thanks to all who joined us recently for the inaugural monthly AHA! Happy Hour—it was a great evening of discussion and socializing. We had a productive executive meeting and brainstormed ideas for an exciting upcoming year.

One thing that came out of this gathering was a thoughtful review of AHA’s mission statement. Reflecting on the organization’s stated mission energized board members and others present. It also provided guidance as we seek to align AHA’s activities with this mission.

AHA! exists to increase contact and communication between archivists and those working with records, to provide opportunities for professional development, and to promote archival repositories and activities in the greater Houston, Texas area.

As we craft programming and communications for the year, we’ll seek to ensure that all three of these pieces are actively cultivated. Improved communication, increased fellowship, and opportunities for training and knowledge-sharing all seem like areas ripe for connecting and developing our membership. The big-ticket item—the Houston Archives Bazaar—naturally fits the focus of promoting our work within and beyond Houston. By deliberately aligning our activities with the stated mission, it is our hope that we can better serve and connect Houston’s archival community—that’s you!—as well as the communities we serve.

As we look ahead to the year, we’d like to begin by getting your input on what you’d like to see from AHA! Please take a moment to fill out this member survey.

We hope that you’re as excited as we are about the upcoming year!


AHA! Executive Board

Emily Vinson, President
Matt Richardson, Vice-President
Lisa Cruces, Secretary
Sandra Yates, Treasurer

Share Your Federal Funding Impact Story!

On Thursday, March 16, 2017, President Trump sent an outline of his proposed FY 2018 budget to Congress, to be followed by a more detailed proposal in the spring. The budget, known as “America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again,” proposes a $54 billion increase in defense and public safety spending that is offset by equivalent cuts in discretionary non-defense programs. Included in those cuts are reductions in, or the total elimination of, funding for federal agencies with a history of supporting cultural heritage organizations and projects, including:

– National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
– Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
– National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

Budgets are still to be determined for other agencies with archives-related programs such as:

– National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
– National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of NARA
– Library of Congress
– Smithsonian Institution

Share Your Story!

As archivists, librarians, and museum professionals, we know how our collections, institutions, and local communities have benefited from grant funding from these federal agencies. We collect statistics about the work we accomplish under these grants, but we also know that the impact goes far beyond numbers alone.

SAA’s Committee on Public Awareness is looking for stories that convey the impact that federal funding has had on individuals, our institutions, and in our local communities! Collected stories will be gathered, published online, and promoted by the Society of American Archivists through their website and social media channels. We hope to gather stories representing all types of archival repositories, and in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, so please consider sharing your story–no impact is too small when it comes to advocating for federal support for the arts and humanities!

Consider: Did your federal grant-funded project empower K–12 educators to teach with primary sources, connect family members through genealogical records, or inspire a community art project?  Did a federal grant enable your institution to create jobs, contract with an external vendor, or carry out a project that had a fiscal impact on your institution? It is these stories of direct impact, whether personal or fiscal, and at all levels–within your institution, your local community, or even on a national scale–that speak to the true value of federal grant funding for the arts and humanities.

Share Your Story!

Personal impact is powerful. Please share the details of your federally funded project and the story of its impact.

Upcoming Board Meeting and Happy Hour!

We’d like to invite you all out to a happy hour Tuesday, March 14 at 6pm at 8th Wonder Brewery. We hope you’re able to drop by and socialize with friends and colleagues.

The board will have a short meeting at 5:30 to discuss plans for the year, including the Archives Bazaar. Anyone interested in joining those conversations is welcome to come early!

Austin Archives Bazaar

October 16th is the Austin Archives Bazaar, 2-6pm at Saengerrunde Hall, Austin, TX.

There are two fantastic opportunities for AHA! members to check out the Bazaar as we start working planning the 2017 Houston Archives Fair!


There are a number of available volunteer positions available. Check them out here and contact Anna Reznik ( to learn more! This is your chance to work behind-the-scenes at the Bazaar.

AHA! Road Trip
Several members of AHA! have offered to drive to Austin to attend the Bazaar. Sign up here if you’d like to join the road trip! Departure and arrival times will be coordinated by each car group.

Join the Houston Archives Bazaar Committee
Sign up here!

Upcoming Local DAS Course: Command Line Interface

Rice/WRC is sponsoring a DAS course at the Fondren Library on October the 7th. It’s an all -day class on Command Line Interface. Folks who are working toward DAS certification or who need post-certification courses should attend. Click here to learn more about this course.

Course Description
In this course you will learn hands-on skills for working with digital archival objects at the most basic levels: files, data, and the computer operating systems in which they live. These basics establish manual and automated capacities for protecting the bits, automating/extracting metadata, and preparing for the next steps of building and managing digital archives.

Call for Content – Archiving Houston

The next the Archiving Houston will be released on Monday, 4/25.
If you have any announcements, archives related publications or news, or requests for assistance for Archiving Houston, please submit them either directly to me or through the submission form on the AHA! website.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sign-up for Archiving Houston: