Join AHA! at the following events to celebrate the nationwide Archives Month in October.
October 2, 2013, 6.30 pm-Tour J.P. Bryan’s Vision of the West Collection, considered the world’s largest private collection of Texana. Torch Energy Advisors, Inc., 1331 Lamar Ave., Suite 1450. Map and parking information available to all who make reservations by Sept. 27. Contact Lee Pecht at
October 8, 2013, 6.00 pm-Dinner and brief meeting at Café Express, 1422 W. Gray. Meet with fellow AHA-ers and learn about upcoming events and opportunities.
October 10, 2013, 6.30 pm-Preserving Our History in the Archives, presentation on how archival repositories operate, how to preserve historical items, and what items repositories want donated. Bellaire Historical Society, Bellaire Civic Center, 7008 South Rice Ave. Contact Dara Flinn at
October 15, 2013, 8.30 am – 3.00 pm-Parish Archives: Preserving Generations of Faith, a practical one-day workshop for those who work with historical records, but are not trained archivists. AHA members are encouraged to attend all or part of the day to support the lectures, discussions, hands-on activities and question period. Contact Sarah Jackson at or Lisa May at
October 19, 2013, 10.30 am-Tour Fine Tuning: Celebrating 100 Years of the Houston Symphony, Julia Ideson Building, 550 McKinney. Hear and see how Miss Ima Hogg and local café orchestra leader Julien Paul Blitz developed a dream into reality for a symphony for Houston. Contact Terry Brown or Ginny Garrett at